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Stop the Shouting

Just a short hit and run today. We hate to see it and it’s unfortunate when it happens, but we all know it’s a fact of life: sometimes writers are the worst group of people when it comes to encouraging fellow writers. Why do we feel compelled to fight about everything?

We fight about whether an author should traditionally publish versus self publish, we argue about who the best publishers are, we argue about the best way to go about advertising and networking, and we defend our positions as if winning the argument is a life or death situation. It’s one of those weird occurrences that no matter how hard you think, you can’t come up with any reason why it should be happening. Bottom line is, it shouldn’t. We should be encouraging each other, sharing each other’s links, and–Oh My!–actually reviewing each other’s books instead of getting envious every time another writer gets more reviews than we do. So state your reasons, defend your position, if you feel you must, and offer your thoughts and insights on the many different factors in our lives as writers, but don’t act like it’s the end of the world if someone disagrees. In this day and age of anger and hatred, it’s important to just be able to talk to each other without feeling like you have to change everybody’s mind. The bottom line is, you can’t change anybody’s mind, and nobody ever changes yours. We all do what we do for a reason, so let’s just respect each other’s choices and stop the shouting!

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