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What the Experts Say

Unlike a lot of novelists, my “day job” is writing as well. I’m a professional web content writer who specializes in travel. I guess that career is not quite as glamorous as writing books, because my advisors who have come out of the woodwork since my novel’s been published were never around to advise me about my traditional writing career. A tip for all you aspiring novelists out there: for some reason, the minute you publish a book, everyone's an expert. They want to tell you how to market your book, how to set up at your book signings, what to put in your sequel, what to have printed on your sign, and even what clothes to wear at your events. Trust me, you’ll find yourself sitting there wondering why you didn’t know you were surrounded by so many experts before you published your novel.

I even had one person ask for my password so she could go rearrange my Facebook page for me. And silly me, I offended her by turning down her kind offer to save me from myself.

Unfortunately, there’s no pat line or specific phrase you can use to back people off when they come stomping into your life like Bigfoot to rearrange your entire career for you (since naturally you shouldn’t be left alone to run your life without their help!) But because it will happen so often–and believe me, it will–you should have a plan.

I recommend that if it’s something ridiculous like someone offering to rewrite scenes for you, change the title, or redesign the cover, maybe just chuckle and go on with your day. If it’s something you might really consider doing, then by all means do so. However, do not fall into the trap of thinking that you have to go along with everything everyone says just to be “nice.” It is possible to say no in a polite way!

And that’s the big secret. Be polite but be firm. If it’s something you wouldn’t consider in a million years, say that immediately. Don’t leave anyone with the impression that you’re giving thought to something that you wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole because you'll hate yourself for it later. (Not to mention you'll have a permanent "advisor.") You should also avoid defending your work to a self-appointed expert because you'll hate yourself for that too. Just keep smiling and saying no. You didn’t get this far because you don’t know what you’re doing. Get advice from experts if you feel the need, but keep in mind that everyone is not an expert! Write on!

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